Bondage is a centuries-old art that draws from Japanese shibari, itself deriving from the submission techniques of the Hojojotsu martial art practiced in Kabuki theater. Bondage is much more than a sadomasochistic practice of domination and submission: the motif of the "bond" (between man and man, but also between human and divine) materializes in a place and space in which the "bonded" is recognized full esteem and authority. In Japan, in fact, the police and the samurai began to use this technique to immobilize prisoners: the textures, shapes and designs of the ropes, all made of the same material, hemp and jute, made it possible to recognize the prisoner's lineage in order to due respect. Since then the technique has become an art, first martial (shibari) and then sexual, thanks to the wise geishas who were able to recognize its beneficial effects on the erotic life of a couple.